Help Me Quit Tip Menu
I have been struggling to kick the habit of smoking cigarettes for far too long. I am in need of support from my friends and fellow members here on MFC. With your assistance, and perhaps a gentle push, I am confident that I can become smoke-free before the year ends. The tip menu and club attached to my page are tied to this goal. Once I achieve it, I will quit cold turkey and never touch a cigarette again. Please lend me your support in overcoming this tough challenge, but remember, kindness is key <3 as this journey is particularly challenging for me.
This Tip Menu is limited to Members of following Club
Non Smoker Supporters
I believe in you Willow!! 🤩
10 Tokens
Put out that cigarette!! ❌
21 Tokens
Cigarette ban for 30 minutes ❌
41 Tokens
No Cigs for rest of stream!! ❌
91 Tokens
Destroy 1 cigarette 💥
121 Tokens
Cigarette ban for 6 hours ❌
151 Tokens
Destroy 3 cigarettes 💥
171 Tokens
Cigarette Ban 12 hours ❌
241 Tokens
Destroy 7 cigarettes 💥
331 Tokens
Cigarette Ban 24 hours! ❌
551 Tokens
Go 1 week with no smokes! A real Test!!🛑
771 Tokens
Destroy my whole pack!! X_X 💣
991 Tokens
Boost Cold Turkey Goal 🚭
1212 Tokens