What should I order to eat for dinner?
Well sweet, lets spoil me with some food from any restaurant! 
Its the list with my favourite food i'd like to eat every single day! 
If you want to feed me with special food - just text me and ill find it in my sity! 
I'm able to eat it on stream or make a small video :) 
0 Votes
Carbonara from Italian restaurant
799 Tokens
Noodles with seafoods from local Asian cafeteria
799 Tokens
Grilled Mexican chipotle
799 Tokens
My favorite sushi California
799 Tokens
Roll Philadelfia
799 Tokens
Peperoni Pizza with fried potato
799 Tokens
Quesadilla with chicken and nice sauce
799 Tokens
Maybe just a bottle of wine?
799 Tokens